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Hyesu Jeong (b.1992) is currently based in Düsseldorf and due to graduate in summer 2024 from the Painting department of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Hyesu Jeong’s paintings allure the viewer in mysterious and surreal atmospheres, emphasising exaggerated details of ears and noses aiming to highlight these primordial body parts that both humans and animals have and employ. The large-scale formats of the paintings forge intricate compositions of spaces and objects, as well as allowing enough suspense and curiosity on the surface of the canvas. 


Parallel to these surreal depictions of body parts, the artist translates a similar mood in misty, undefined landscapes, all painted in oil on canvas. The juxtaposition of landscape reliefs and strongly coloured plants and water, an important symbol for emotional reflections, with characters or traces of human presences, enrich the works with both familiar and unfamiliar perceptions.  


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